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Sylfirm X Banner - LifeScape Aesthetics (1)

Precisely target & treat

Radio Frequency provides heat that stimulates collagen production which has been scientifically proven to create tighter, healthier looking skin.

Combined with state-of-the-art microneedling and exosomes, patients experience optimal results.

Used on the Face & Body For:

• Fine Lines and Wrinkles
• Texture and Tone
• Skin Revitalization
• Minimize appearance of pores
• Tightening & lifting
• Pigmented lesions (including Melasma)
• Vascular lesions (including Rosacea)
• Acne Vulgaris
• Scars & Stretch Marks
• Hair Restoration and more!


Quick Results

See the difference after as few as one treatment.

Improves Skin Laxity
Minimizes Appearance of Scars
Improves Skin Texture & Tone
Improves Skin Revitalization

For best results, we recommend 3-6 treatments, spaced a month apart.

Request Your Complimentary Consultation

**Pricing will be determined during the complimentary consultation. Patients must schedule a consultation prior to booking treatment.**




Minimal Downtime, Little to No Pain

Sylfirm X uses micro-electrodes to create an electromagnetic field that can gently penetrate the deeper skin layers without breaking the outer tissue and causing damage.

With eight different modes, it is easy to customize treatment based on your specific skin goals.

LifeScape's Experts on Sylfirm X:

“We’re super excited about the addition of Sylfirm X, the most advanced skin tightening technology available, to our aesthetics offerings. It’s a game changer solution for multiple problems including brown spots, red spots, melasma, active acne, loose saggy, crepey skin, hair thinning and more!”

- Dr. Susan Wilder, LifeScape Founder + CEO

“We pride ourselves on providing the most effective solutions to our patients. We’re thrilled to offer Sylfirm X as a treatment option. It is the first and only dual wave microneedling with radio frequency for face and body, helping our patients not only achieve tighter, firmer, more youthful looking skin, but also treat skin and texture irregularities including melasma, rosacea, stretchmarks, surgical scars, and even acne.”

- Noelle Cesario, LifeScape Aesthetician



Sylfirm X Versus Morpheus8: Which is Better?

These devices and treatments  are similar, though we consider Sylfirm X to be a "next generation" of Morpheus 8.

Because of the ultra-short repeated pulses of microneedling that allow for high-precision treatment, Sylfirm X treatment is less painful with less downtime than Morpheus8 treatment.

More than 25 clinical studies have shown Sylfirm X to be an effective solution for skin issues including acne, scars, large pores, sun damage, and more. 


Sylfirm X FAQ

How does the Sylfirm X treatment feel?

A topical numbing cream is applied to the skin prior to the treatment to minimize any discomfort. In some areas, you may still feel some heat and tingling sensation. Based on the depth and the area being treated this feeling can vary.

How many treatments do I need?

Three to six treatments spaced four to six weeks apart provide the optimal results-driven experience and outcome for patients.

How long does the treatment take?

The actual treatment takes 20-60 minutes depending on the areas being treated.

How long do the results last?

Everyone is different, based on age, lifestyle, genetics, stress, sun exposure, etc. but the collagen you make is your own and continues accelerated production over three months after your last treatment. As with any aesthetics procedure, expect to a minimum of 1-2 maintenance treatments per year. By maintaining a healthy lifestyle, an anti-inflammatory diet, a consistent at-home skincare regimen, and avoiding unprotected sun exposure, you can maintain results longer.