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Transform Your Life

I believe that adapting new fitness habits is difficult and often times fails. My goal is to change your view on fitness, so that it becomes apart of who you are and your lifestyle.

I strongly believe that exercise is a privilege not a chore and if you practice healthy habits and learn to have fun with it, your goals can and will come to fruition.

30+ Years Experience

With years of success and experience, I am capable of analyzing YOUR body and creating a fitness plan that will help you reach YOUR goals.

Most plans include healthy eating, exercise, and behavior modifications to ensure the best results. I will work with you to keep you on track, accountable, and motivated to obtain life-changing results."

Your Success is My Goal

"I take your Fitness/Wellness Goals seriously! Whether you are wanting to train for your 1st Half Marathon, improve your Quality of Life, or build your Confidence and Self Esteem.

I am your EXPERT! I have encouraged and empowered hundreds of clients with my friendly, yet no-nonsense training experiences, that will ultimately alter your Mind/Body and Spirit.



Jodi Stokes
Exercise Science, BS
LifeScape Fitness Expert

Get Started Today

Know where you are now, to get where you want to be.

Analyze your posture, fitness and body composition measurements with Fit3D. If you're ready to start on a clear path to improved health, wellness & fitness, Fit3D can help you establish your baselines. This high-tech 3D body scanner tracks your progress with over 200 body measurements, posture and balance, comparing your results to those of thousands of others.

Learn more about Fit3D

Create the best nutrition plan for you.

There is no one-size-fits-all answer to what, how and when you should eat. For that reason, many mass-market and fad diets fail. A personalized approach is paramount to getting on a path to good health, wellness and individual vitality. Partner with our Dietitian Nutritionist to create a customized nutrition plan that's perfect for where you're at now, and where you want to go.

Learn more about our Diet and Nutrition Services