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For scheduling & general questions please call our office at 480.860.5500
Find patient resources here or book your appointment by calling our office at 480.860.5500 (SimpleCare Direct patients) or contacting your physician’s Medical Assistant (Concierge Care patients).
Prescription Refill Note: The most efficient way to refill a prescription is to contact your pharmacy to submit a refill order to our office. It can take up to 48 hours to refill a prescription, so please allow ample time for your refill to be processed.
As an existing LifeScape patient, you can book your appointments directly with our office or visit our Patient Information page for additional details and online bill payment options.
Get in touch with our Director of Practice Development at 480.860.5500 ext 108 or email
Note: Do not include personal identifying information or personal medical information in any website inquiries you send to us. No one can diagnose your condition from email or other written communications, and communication via our website cannot replace the relationship you have with your care providers.
Noelle Cesario, LME, CLT Aesthetician
480.860.5500 ext 125
Dr. Heather McGee, Physician Injector
480-860-5500 ext 127
Dana Bosselmann, MA, RDN, IFNCP
480.860.5500 ext 110
8757 East Bell Road
Scottsdale, Arizona 85260
(480) 860-5500
Mon – Thurs: 7am – 5pm
Friday: 7am – 2pm
Concierge patients access providers directly
Mon – Thurs: 7:15am – 12pm & 1pm – 3:30pm
Friday: 7:15am – 12pm