Did you know that the US is ranked as the 35th healthiest nation? We are the only wealthy nation to see life expectancy decline (for 3 consecutive years!). We also boast the highest rates of years...
Do you finish work only to stand up and feel tightness in your neck and back? Do you find yourself with kinks and knots in your shoulders? Do people ask you if you’re feeling down or upset? Believe...
LifeScape Fitness is now offering Stretch Training Sessions! 25 minute sessions assist with stress reduction, improved physical performance, decreased muscle soreness, injury and cramping.
8 Session...
Did you hear? You are invited to the Fall event of the year!
It is time of year where we put a lot of pressure on ourselves. We start crafting proud, exciting goals for the New Year with good intentions of tackling them head on. Instead, we usually end up...
We’ve been working hard all year, counting our steps, weaning out snacks, and lifting weights. And now, it’s that time of the year - the most challenging time of year for those of us who are trying...
The weather is cooling down, but the stoves are heating up for the holiday season. And we know with the holidays comes sugar overload and good eats. From now until the night of the New Year’s...
It’s the most wonderful time of the year: back to school time. Parents are now gifted with a breath of fresh "the kids are out of the house" air. This also means late night practice pick-ups and...
Christmas is less than a week away and January is less than 2 weeks away. Wow! This year has gone fast! So far it’s been a good one! This month I want to talk not about food, but movement of your...