No doubt this blistering record-breaking summer world-wide is an uncomfortable harbinger of years to come. Although fluctuations will occur from season to season and year to year, the trend is impossible to ignore.
Unless highly acclimated, our bodies begin to break down at a wet bulb temp over 95 degrees (reached at ~130 degrees in very low humidity or ~109 at 50% humidity). Fortunately, we in Arizona are blessed with dry desert conditions, air-conditioning and pools help us keep our cool.
None are immune to climate-related health consequences including escalating heat waves, power outages, fires, severe weather events, and intense local precipitation, not to mention increased mosquito borne disease, longer more severe allergy seasons, and air pollution triggering lung disease and heart attack/stroke risk.
Protecting children and the elderly is key as they are most vulnerable. Many medical conditions (check with your provider) and medications impair our ability to safely regulate temperature. Be extra careful if taking:
Tune into signs of heat intolerance including:
When these signs appear, immediately go indoors and cool off as soon as possible. Remove excess clothing, take sips of cool water, and use cool compresses and fans or ice packs in armpits/ groin to cool down. Call 911 if not improving within a few minutes.
With temperatures continuing to rise for the indefinite future, it’s important we take steps to protect ourselves and others.