As your child embarks on their college journey, it's natural to feel a mix of excitement and anxiety. You may worry about their well-being, how they'll manage stress, or whether they'll make the right choices
The transition can be overwhelming, but with the right tools and support, you can help your child thrive.
Mental and physical health are equally as important when it comes to managing a healthy lifestyle. In college it can be challenging to find access to medical care, especially with a continuous string of sniffles being passed around at all times.
At LifeScape we aim to keep you and your kids healthy as you make this transition. Here are key areas to focus on as they prepare for this new chapter:
1. Adequate Hydration - Encourage your child to prioritize hydration. Dehydration can affect concentration and mood, so remind them to drink plenty of water throughout the day. They can carry a reusable water bottle and set reminders to ensure they stay hydrated.
2. Emotional Health - It's vital to screen for anxiety and depression, especially in a new environment. Help your child access self-help tools, such as meditation apps and coping strategies. Encourage them to build a support network of peers and mentors, and remind them that counseling services are available on campus for added support.
3. Good Communication - Establishing positive communication channels is crucial. Rather than micromanaging, maintain a supportive dialogue in a positive closed loop structure. Encourage your child to delegate tasks and communicate with other parents for shared experiences and advice, creating a strong support system.
4. Education on Healthy Relationships - Discuss the importance of consent, protection, and safe intimacy. Equip your child with knowledge about STIs and healthy relationship dynamics, helping them navigate these experiences with confidence and care.
5. Resting, Relaxing, and Sleep - Emphasize the importance of sleep hygiene and de-stressing techniques. Encourage your child to establish a bedtime routine that promotes restful sleep, and discuss strategies for managing stress effectively, ensuring they remain energized and focused.
6. Movement and Exercise - Support your child in maintaining a balanced fitness routine. Encourage physical activity without overwhelming stress, ensuring they have safe avenues for exercise, whether through campus facilities or organized sports. Open lines of communication about physical safety in activities like biking or driving are also essential.
7. Safety and Avoiding Harmful Substances - Discuss the dangers of alcohol, drugs, bullying, and harassment. Equip your child with strategies to recognize and avoid harmful situations. Encourage them to trust their instincts and seek help if they ever feel unsafe.
8. Choosing Peers and Friends - Help your child understand the importance of surrounding themselves with positive influences. Encourage them to look for friends who share common values and to seek mentors who can guide them through challenging times. It’s important that they feel empowered to make choices and learn from their experiences.
9. Education, Prevention, and Treatment of Illness - Ensure your child is informed about the prevention and treatment of common illnesses, such as URIs and STIs, and emphasize the importance of vaccinations. Awareness about potential health risks, including mold exposure, is also crucial for their well-being.
10. Body Image and Eating Habits - Discuss the impact of role models on body image and nutrition. Encourage your child to make healthy food choices and to be mindful of their eating habits, especially in a college setting where unhealthy options may be prevalent.
11. Monitoring Screen Time and Social Media - Help your child understand the relationship between screen time and academic performance. Encourage them to set boundaries around social media use to promote better learning and mental health.
12. Normalizing Expectations and Addressing Empty Nest Syndrome - As parents, it's important to normalize your feelings about the transition. Open communication about emotions can strengthen your bond and ensure healthy involvement in your child's life.
Take Action
Prior to sending off, we encourage you to sign up your kids with a concierge medicine provider for easy medical assistance on demand. One significant advantage of concierge medicine is the personalized care and trust developed between your family and the provider. Concierge practices like LifeScape offer accessible 24/7 communication with your child’s doctor through various channels—whether in-person, virtual, phone, or text—ensuring they receive comprehensive care that goes beyond what typical school clinics provide.
As you prepare for this new chapter, consider scheduling a Meet & Greet with Dr. Mohammadi, who takes patients of all ages. On the Meet & Greet, discuss your child's unique needs and how to support their health and well-being during this exciting transition. Together, we can ensure they thrive in their college experience.
Join LifeScape’s Brilliant Health Community on Facebook for additional resources and access to valuable information from our providers.